Use Chiropractic to Pull Your Fall Together
By Sandy Schroeder
As challenges continue to come up, most of us could use some help to pull Fall plans together. If you could use a little assistance, or a lot, chiropractic may be a big help.
See Your Chiropractor
The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you offers a wellness center staffed with licensed chiropractors who help people of all ages find solutions for pain and answers for health and wellness issues.
Talk with your chiropractor about your concerns. You or someone in your family may be having aches and pains, and you may welcome some assistance with other fall challenges.
You will learn how achieving spinal health can improve overall health. The spine keeps us moving and the central nervous system encased inside coordinates all of the body's systems. When the spine works well, so do we.
As you assess your benefits from an adjustment, you may decide to use 15-minute spinal adjustments to stay pain-free. At the same time you may work on your fall plans with the help of your chiropractor. Here are some checkpoints to consider.
Review kids' sports plans and set up practices - Your chiropractor can spot areas that need work and offer advice to avoid injuries.
Organize home study areas - Now's the time to make sure your kids have a desk and adjustable chair to work at home whenever needed. Choose a chair with good shoulder support, position the monitor, and be sure feet are flat on the floor.
Ramp up the family room - Rethink the family room before everybody settles in for TV and video games. Add an exercise mat, small weights and a stationary bike as you cut back on couches and chairs.
Review daily exercise - Set up a checkpoint in the family room and make sure each family member is logging in daily exercise of at least 30 minutes. In addition to sports, weekend biking, hiking or camping will help keep everybody active.
Do checkups for everyone - Check in with your doctor before adding new exercises and do the health numbers for weight, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Set up menu guidelines if weight is an issue.
Remember to add some fun - Your chiropractor can help everyone find more exercises that are really enjoyed such as dancing or rock climbing. You may want to help your child with tennis, golf or sailing.
Keep your fall moving with a visit to The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you. Find out about the personal healthcare plans that eliminate the hassle of insurance. Walk-ins are welcome and The Joint Chiropractic clinics are available across the country whenever you are traveling.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Sugar Land, Tex.