When the Body is Overworked Chiropractic Treatments May Help
In today’s world, overworking our minds and our bodies can happen all too quickly. Too many hours invested in too many projects, too much time sitting in one working position hunched over a screen, and too many demands from too many sources can all cause life crashes. If this sounds quite familiar your chiropractor may be able to help.
American Chiropractic Association member, Karen Erickson, DC, says the spine really is like a central computer in your body that houses your nervous system. When your chiropractor seeks to help restore normal functioning of the spine and normal function in the joints, localized pain and inflammation can be reduced. The whole body then functions better.
I have seen this situation come up again and again for co-workers, relatives and friends. Long hours, over active weekends paired with long workdays, or fixed positions hunched over a laptop at home and work can all hit pain buttons.
Neck pain, back pain, and strained muscles complain and demand attention. If we could peer into the nervous system we might see lots of flashing red flags for pain.
If you are feeling the overload too, your chiropractor may be able to help.
Visiting Your Chiropractor
The initial visit will include a spinal manipulation to assess spinal health and identify areas of pain. The chiropractor will want to do a complete review of medical history and a review of regular daily schedules, discussing overloads and resulting pain.
The chiropractor’s goal will be to seek solutions for pain and ways to restore daily activities without using medication or surgery.
In contrast to a doctor’s visit where there is an appointment, often followed by prescription of medication and advice for home care, the chiropractor is more likely to help structure a program with an ongoing care routine.
This keeps the chiropractor in touch helping to spot new developments before they have a chance to cause bigger problems.
Ongoing programs can also lead to weight loss, relaxation therapy, new job approaches or suggestions for gym classes and stress reducing techniques. These steps can then help to head off future overloading.
Several friends of mine have reported their successes with this approach as they slimmed down, became more active, and pulled their schedules together. Their chiropractors really helped put them back in charge of their lives as they gained a better understanding of how the body works and what it takes to keep it on track.
If this sounds like something you would like to try, make an appointment with a chiropractor now and find out more.