When Sleep Just Doesn't Happen, You May Be Distracted
By Stephen R. Farris
Getting a good night's sleep should be important to all of us. Unfortunately, we aren't always able to get the sleep we need. Most studies suggest anywhere from six to eight hours are the acceptable range for a restful night so that we can fully function during the following day.
If you're not getting the kind of rest you need, it might be time to examine why it's not happening. Are there health conditions involved? Maybe you're feeling more stressed, or you can't shut off your brain at night because you're constantly thinking about things. Whatever the reason may be, you can try certain things to help you get through the night and possibly wake up feeling a little more enthusiastic and energetic.
Probably the biggest distraction in our lives is that piece of technology called a cell phone, or smartphone. They're practically both the same devices. Basically, one (the smartphone) allows you to surf the internet, stream movies, and music on them. If you keep your smartphone, or cell phone by your bed, then chances are you're being distracted by it during the night at some point and feel obligated to see who's calling, texting or sending you emails.. The best thing you can do is to turn it off. You shouldn't have to feel like you're "on call" 24/7.
Counting Sheep Doesn't Always Work
Your nightly chores are done. The house is quiet. It's time for bed. The only problem is, you can't fall asleep. You lie there for what seems an eternity and slumber just won't come your way. According to research, the worst thing to do is continue to lie there, hoping that sleep will happen. This might be the time to get up, move around, maybe read a book. Try to do something that will ease your mind so that you can eventually go back to bed and drift to sleep.
Coffee and Tobacco Can Nix Your Sleep
Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, they're all sleep disrupters. Caffeine tends to keep you awake if consumed even several hours before bedtime. Nicotine can cause disruptive sleep, and alcohol -- even though it might help put you to sleep -- can oftentimes disrupt your sleep pattern if consumed shortly before going to bed.
A few other tips you can do is eliminate the television from the bedroom. Keep the room cool and as dark as possible.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Temple, Tex.