3 Easy Ways to Manage Your Stress
As a society, we are pretty stressed. We are constantly rushed (work, errands, kids' soccer games, etc.), we are constantly being over-stimulated by technology, and we take little to no time to stop and relax. And, while we feel as though being constantly on-the-go makes us productive, the stress that comes along with it can have serious health repercussions, including high blood pressure, lowered immunity, and decreased libido. Therefore, while we may live demanding lives full of mile-long to-do lists, it's incredibly important that we take the time to decompress in order to keep our stress levels in check. Here are a few easy, expert-recommended ways to do so:
Experts predict that, by this year, the average person will spend upwards of 16 hours per day using technology (TV, phone, laptop, tablet, etc.). And, unfortunately, studies have indicated that the overuse of technology can actually increase a person's stress levels. Therefore, it is recommended that you take a break from it every day. Try turning off your cell phone, computer, and all other electronics at least two hours before you go to bed each night in order to decompress. Try curling up with a book, having a meaningful conversation with your significant other, or taking an evening stroll.
Eat certain foods.
Certain foods can decrease your stress levels. Here are a few of them:
- Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and can potentially lower stress hormones in your body. It can also lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and can boost your overall mood.
- Citrus fruit, such as grapefruit, strawberries, oranges, and tangerines, contain high amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C can help to reduce stress levels. Experts recommend that the average adult consumes about 80 mg of vitamin C daily, which equals about one cup of orange.
Consider chiropractic care.
Chiropractor Dr. Kevin Lynch says, "Proper spinal alignment is the first step for reducing stress." When the spine is misaligned, the nervous system is unable to properly send messages through the body. Better spinal alignment means better communication and increased system efficiency". If you are in the market for a reliable chiropractic practioner, consider stopping into The Joint... The Chiropractic Place for a consultation. With a knowledgable staff, extremely affordable prices, and convenient walk-in hours, they are a very handy one-stop-shop fpr all of your chiropractic needs!