Frozen and Canned? You Bet!
By Donna Stark
Fresh produce is often considered to be the best and some people believe that they need to live near a farmers market or make daily trips to their grocery store's produce section in order to add more fruits and vegetables to their diet. But when it comes to meeting the daily requirements for fruit and vegetables, frozen and canned are good options too! In fact, frozen and canned produce has been shown to contain comparable and sometimes higher nutritional value than what you can find in the markets and produce sections. On top of that, they can also be more affordable too!
Incorporating the Alternatives
If you are used to consuming fresh produce in all of your meals, switching to frozen or canned may take some getting used to. The key is knowing how to prepare and cook them so that their taste and texture is maintained. Here are a few examples.
- Canned corn - Canned corn is extremely versatile and very easy to use. You can serve it cold in homemade salsas and as a topping for your salad or you can add it in hot foods such as soup, stir-fry, and rice. Of course, you can always eat it on its own too.
- Canned beans - If you have ever cooked with raw beans you know that it can be extremely time-consuming, but canned beans? Well, let's just say you will be eating in minutes! Canned beans are a convenient way to incorporate more fiber and protein into your diet and can easily be heated in the microwave, mixed into recipes, pureed into soups, or tossed on top of salads.
- Frozen peppers - With plenty of antioxidants and vitamins, bell peppers are a great addition to your meals, but take note! They may not have the same crispness as fresh one, so you may want to stick to recipes that require some cooking, such as pizza, eggs, and pasta.
- Frozen cauliflower - It seems like cauliflower has gained some respect in the past couple of years as everyone is turning it into "something else." From cauliflower pizza crust to cauliflower rice to cauliflower mash (think mashed potatoes), there is no easier way to boost the amount of nutrition in your diet.
- Frozen berries - The easiest way to increase your fruit intake is to buy the frozen kind and make yourself a morning smoothie each day. You can also add them to your muffin mix or toss them on top of your oatmeal. The options are endless, but what makes them especially appealing is that they provide so many health benefits.
Produce Every Day!
Frozen and canned produce is generally more affordable and lasts longer so go ahead and stock up! It's an easy way to reach the recommended amount of servings per day and you won't ever have to consider moving next to a farmers market.
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