Are Your Healthy Habits Becoming Unhealthy?
By Sara Butler
Your health is important to you, which is why you get regular exercise, drink plenty of water and snack on healthy things that provide the right kind of fuel for your body. In short, you’re doing everything you can to be a picture of perfect health. The question is: Are you taking it too far? Even healthy habits can become unhealthy if they are taken beyond what is needed. Here are some of the ways healthy habits can become unhealthy.
Too Much Water
Yes, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing and water is a great example. Many health experts recommend you drink plenty of water every day to stay hydrated but you can drink too much water.
Too much water can flush your body out to the point where your electrolyte balance is thrown off. This can cause:
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- In the worst case -- death
Of course, you want to continue to drink plenty of water, but don’t overdo it. Sip before and after meals, when you’re working out and if you feel thirsty. That’s a great way to provide your body with enough water without throwing things off. The general rule is this: Drink in ounces half your weight in pounds, so a 120-pound person would drink 60 ounces of water daily.
You’re a Grazer
Have you heard people talk about eating several small meals a day instead of just three meals? You probably have, it seems to be quite en vogue but it turns out it’s not a way to be healthy.
You shouldn’t hold back from a snack if you’re hungry, but research has shown people who graze all day actually consume more calories than people who don’t. So, grazing isn’t doing you any favors if you’re trying to maintain a healthy weight.
Too Much Exercise
Back to the too much of a good thing point -- it is possible to do too much exercise. Exercise is good for your body but it’s also a source of stress. If you put your body in stress mode too much through exercise, it can actually promote the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which can have a negative impact on your whole body. Make sure you schedule rest days into your workout schedule (your body repairs itself and on the rest days)!
Remember, getting healthy and staying healthy is a constant battle. You must reevaluate what you’re doing from time to time in order to make sure you’re still on the correct path. Take time to think about the things you’re doing in your pursuit of good health and be honest with yourself to know if you’ve crossed the line or not.