Natural Ways to Curb Your Appetite (Part I)
Have you ever tried to lose weight only to have your efforts derailed due to hunger and constant cravings? Most dieters will turn to synthetic appetite suppressants to lose weight and keep hunger controlled. However, these suppressants are full of harmful chemicals that can damage your health. Instead, it is much better to rely on natural ways to suppress your hunger with these tips.
H2O Is the Way to Go
So many times our hunger cues are actually a sign of thirst. Getting enough water into your diet is essential for many reasons. Our bodies need enough water to flush out toxins and for our digestive system to run smoothly. Make sure you are drinking enough water, and the next time hunger or a huge craving hit you, grab a glass of water first.
More Protein
Another reason why you might be so hungry all of the time is because your diet is lacking proper amount of protein. Protein can help keep you fuller longer and it can even help burn more fat. Many times when we eat a carb-heavy meal, our insulin levels spike. This can leave us famished only a few hours later, with little self-control over the box of doughnuts in the office. The easiest way to get enough protein in your diet is to have it at every meal. Therefore skip your bowl of cereal or bagel in the morning and have eggs instead.
Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable
Sugar and carbs put us in a vicious cycle. When we get overly hungry, we reach for them, and because they are elevating our insulin levels, we are even hungrier and make fewer healthy choices later on. Avoid these blood sugar spikes by controlling how many carbohydrates you eat. Also, don’t eat your carbohydrates alone – pair it with lean protein. If you are eating a sandwich for lunch, be sure that there is a good portion of protein in between the bread.
Keep Meals Regular and Consistent
Skipping a meal is the quickest way to slow down your metabolism and make it more likely for you to overindulge in your next meal. Prevent this from happening by eating when you first wake up and every three hours. You don’t have to eat huge meals to keep your metabolism humming along. Just make sure it has a healthy source of protein.
Losing weight and getting healthy starts with putting the right fuel into your body. These tips will help you get the nutrition you need, and you will naturally feel fuller longer.
Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of WILLIAM ISMAEL