A Few Tips Concerning Sciatica Pain
By Stephen R. Farris
Have you ever experienced sciatica pain? I bet a number of you nodded your head yes or raised your hand. If you have, then you know how painful it can be. While it may last for just a short time, it may linger on for a week, a month, sometimes longer. So it might be time to get it checked out if it persists for a lengthy period of time.
Chiropractic treatment is a great way to start helping reduce or eliminate sciatic pain. Your local chiropractor can examine you and give you a diagnosis, and offer suggestions and treatment options.
In the meantime, there are ways to help reduce your chances of getting sciatica, especially if your job involves sitting for long periods of time that cause the muscles in your lower back, hamstrings and thighs to weaken. Therefore, it might be time to make a lifestyle change and start doing some exercises to help strengthen those areas.
Get Up, Stand Up, Move Around
One of the best ways to avoid sciatic pain is to make sure you are standing periodically if you sit for several hours a day. But don't limit yourself to just standing up. Move around. Take a short walk around the office or the building. Incorporate aerobic exercise into your daily regiment, or strength training and flexibility training, such as yoga, tai chi and even Zumba.
Core Building: Not Just a Math Thing
A strong, healthy core is essential for your overall body health. Keeping your core strong with exercise via yoga, Pilates and planking can ensure the muscles associated with your core will stay in shape.
Watch Your Weight
Yes, it's good advice in which we should all follow in order to maintain good health. Dropping a few pounds can take a lot of stress off the spine and other joints in our bodies. Plus it's good for the heart and other vital organs as well.
Make sure you check with your doctor or chiropractor before beginning an exercise regimen and/or diet plan. They may offer suggestions you might not have thought of and may have material available for you to study on.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Casa Grande, Ariz.