Aging and the Deteriorating Metabolism
By Omer Rashid
Aging doesn't only mean those gray hairs you notice while standing in front of a mirror; it also means a slowdown of your metabolic rate. This gradual deterioration in your metabolic processes manifests itself by adding extra pounds to your body weight. As a result, you have to say goodbye to the reckless dietary routines of your younger self. Now, it's time to be proactive if you care about maintaining your fitness and overall health. Here are a few things you can do to neutralize the effects of a slowing metabolic rate.
Eat Proteins
One of the best strategies against a slowing metabolism is a conscious increase in the intake of protein-rich food in your diet. When a significant part of your diet is proteins, you give your body a chance to burn more calories during the digestion process as compared to other foods. Studies have shown that a protein-rich diet has the potential to boost our metabolism by a significant percentage. An ample intake of proteins can also fight against a slowing metabolism by preserving muscle mass.
Drink Green Tea
Drinking green tea has many potential benefits, and one of them is a positive reinvigorating effect on your metabolism. Green tea has plant compounds that have the potential to increase your metabolic rate by up to 5 percent.
Do Resistance Training
So here comes the part where you'll have to make a little effort. Getting yourself to do resistance training or lifting weights can prove to be a great help in getting your metabolic rate up and running again. Resistance training stimulates the metabolic rate by providing the regular effects of exercise and also by preserving muscle mass. More muscle mass means more work for the body's metabolism to cater to the muscles' energy needs -- leading to increased metabolic activity.
Get Proper Sleep
Not getting proper sleep can be detrimental to your health. Lack of sleep can slow down the body's metabolic rate. It is vital to take care of your sleeping patterns to keep a healthy metabolic rate. If you find it difficult to sleep as soon as you hit the bed, try unplugging yourself from all the technology and gadgetry around you. Keeping hooked with tech such as smartphones keeps your brain stimulated, and it can result in disturbing your sleep. Managing your sleep patterns and getting proper sleep time can be crucial in maintaining your overall health.
You should be wary of the changes in your body as it keeps aging. Slowing of the metabolic rate is a fact that everyone has to deal with. The good news is that there are ways you can deal with this metabolic deterioration. Making healthy food choices and incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine are some of the things you should be looking to do to maintain a healthy body.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chandler, Ariz.