6 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise
By Amber Page
We all know that exercise is good for us -- really good for us -- but that's not always enough motivation to get off the couch and into the gym.
The next time you find yourself wanting to cry at the thought of making yourself sweat, try one of these strategies.
Put Your Favorite Workout Clothes On
Do you have an exercise outfit that makes you feel fabulous? Go put it on -- right down to your shoes. You can tell yourself that you're not actually going to work out, but once you're dressed, you'll probably feel more motivated to go.
Play the "Just Five Minutes" Game
On those days when you have zip, zero energy and just don't think you can get through a whole workout, tell yourself you don't have to. You just have to exercise for five minutes. Then, once that five minutes is done, try five more. Then five more. Before you know it, you'll have completed your whole routine.
Distract Yourself with a Good Book
An audiobook that is. Download the latest thriller, that killer memoir you've been wanting to read, or a really good romance novel. Then only allow yourself to listen to it while you're exercising. Who knows? If the book is good enough, you might find yourself making excuses to work out!
Make a Date with a Friend
Exercising alone can be a real bummer. So find a friend who's into the same kind of exercise activities as you are and do it together! You'll burn plenty of calories while you catch up -- and you won't have to feel nearly as guilty if you decide to grab a bite to eat or a drink after you're done.
Sign Up for Something New
Pounding away on the treadmill can get boring. So why not try rock climbing, aerial yoga, spinning or a group exercise class? You'll be learning something new, challenging your body and making your workout a whole lot more fun.
Write Down How You Feel After Every Workout
Sure, sometimes you might find yourself writing, "sweaty and tired," but more often than not, if you take the time to think about it, you'll probably find you feel happier, more relaxed and like you've accomplished something.
The next time you really don't want to do it, pull out your post-exercise journal and read it. Once you see how beneficial it is, it'll be easier to make yourself get moving.
Try these tactics and we're sure you'll make it through your workout routine more often than not. When you do, you'll reap the rewards of better mental and physical health -- which will make it even easier to keep going!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Flagstaff, Ariz.