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Keeping Your Kids Healthy Through the Holidays

By Brandi Goodman 

The holiday season provides a joyful time for many. It also brings on a lot of illness for others. Kids, in particular, can get sick more often during this time when they're in close proximity with others and playing outside in the cold. Do what you can to keep your kids healthy through the holidays with these tips in mind.

Encourage Healthy Snacks

Treats and snacks are prevalent throughout the holidays -- many of which are high in calories and sugar. Find healthier snacks to offer your kids instead. It's fine to indulge once in a while, but the majority of you and your child's diet should be healthy options. It's also wise to create your own concoctions to enjoy. Some easy substitutions in the kitchen can help make a dessert far less sugar-filled.

Fill Up Before Events

You may be attending numerous fall and winter events throughout the holiday season. Make sure your kids eat at home and fill up before going. It helps them keep the snacking to a minimum once they arrive. 

Maintain a Sleep Schedule

It can be easy to forgo the bedtime and let your kids stay up much later than usual while the holidays are around. Perhaps you're out late at a holiday party or trying to cram in all the fun you can during a holiday break. However, it's still important to do your best to maintain your child's sleep schedule so they can stay as healthy as possible. Poor sleep leads to stress and illness far too easily. Make sure your kids are getting the rest their bodies so desperately require. 

Encourage Frequent Handwashing

Your kids pass germs so easily. Encourage them to frequently wash their hands each and every day so they're keeping the germs away. All touchable surfaces have germs and bacteria from other people. When your child touches something that another kid just came into contact with, and then touches his or her eyes or mouth without washing, they instantly increase their likelihood of getting sick. Teach your kids how to wash -- or at the very least, send them with hand sanitizer. 

The holiday season doesn't mean health falls to the wayside. You should still make sure your children are eating healthy and getting enough sleep so they can enjoy the season rather than be stuck in bed sick. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Gilbert, Ariz.

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