Posture in the Workplace
Obviously posture is important for a healthy spine. It is also important when you sleep. It is important when you play a sport or exercise. And it is important when you work. Millions of people have full time desk jobs. Working at a desk in today’s age of technology almost always involves typing on a computer and talking on the phone. Doing this full time, for 40 hours a week, can lead to back and neck problems if a focus is not put on proper posture.
What is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics is an engineering term that deals with design in relation to human body functioning. For example, the most ergonomic desk chair would be one that supports the back and limits discomfort, allowing an individual to be most productive. In the workplace, ergonomics is especially important because a lot of time is invested there. For individuals who spend a majority of their time working at a desk or on a computer, an ergonomic environment will not only help them be comfortable, but it will also help them work more efficiently and wisely.
Importance of Angles
Maintaining certain body angles will help predispose you to better posture. Toronto chiropractor Dr. Dower recommends that people strive for 90-degree angles at the knee joint, hip joint, and elbow joint. It is also helpful to keep your elbows in closer to the body. To get a visual of these optimal angles, picture a person in the following position:
- feet flat on the floor
- knees above the ankles
- chair at a height that allows the thighs to be parallel to the floor
- shoulders above the hips
- forearms parallel to the floor
- wrists resting in a level position
Making a Change
Tailoring your office space to fit your needs is a great decision for the health of your back, neck, and spine. Consult with management, or take the time to invest in the following:
- a quality, supportive chair
- a wireless keyboard (so you can rest it on your lap and achieve that 90-
degree angle)
- supportive footwear
- a wireless mouse (alternating use between your dominant and non-
dominant hand can improve brain function)
- a hands free telephone headset
*Disclaimer: Always consult your physician or other health care professional before seeking treatment or taking related advice herein.*
Story Credit: Toronto Chiropractor Shares Posture Tips With CP24's TV Audience by Dr. Brian Dower