Kinesiology Taping: What's it Do?
By Stephen R. Farris
Have you ever noticed when watching sporting events such as basketball, track and soccer, that a lot of athletes are wearing some type of weird, colorful tape? I found it strange myself when I first encountered it a few years ago while covering high school basketball. I thought to myself, surely they're not simply covering up a tattoo? Those kids are too young to have those!
Well, it turns out I was wrong. The tape actually serves a purpose. It's called kinesiology taping and is used to help players with certain types of injuries. What it does is help aid in the healing process and assist with most inflammatory issues players may have due to the injury.
Not only does it help with inflammation, it can help keep swelling to a minimum, ease the pain, aid in muscle tone for injured muscles and provides structural support for different areas of the body. You see a lot of athletes that deal with arm, shoulder, neck, hand, leg or knee pain wearing kinesiology tape while out on the field or on the court. Even football players are starting to wear the tape more.
While the sight and use of it seems to be something new to the general public, it's been around and implemented for the past 25 years. The tape is water resistant is can usually be worn for at least 4-6 days. It is available at just about any store now and can be applied before you start your workouts, however, in hard to reach places you might have someone help apply it for you.
Types of Taping
There are approximately four taping methods:
- Rehab - To help patients gain quicker use of their muscles and joints after surgeries
- Power - Usually geared towards certain muscle groups
- Inflammation - To help keep swelling and inflammation minimized due to injury so you can still function in your activity or job
- Pregnancy - Yes, even women can get taped up during pregnancy to help with pain
To learn more about kinesiology taping, talk with your local chiropractor about the benefits, and if you're experiencing pain in your back, neck or joints, let them know so they can set up an exam and suggest treatment options that are available to get you relief and back to your active lifestyle.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Tempe, Ariz.