Is It Time for a Break?
By Genevieve Cunningham
Everyone needs to take a break once in a while. At work, breaks are scheduled into the day. In most states, they're actually mandatory if you're working a certain number of hours. But most of us need far more breaks than what's technically required. We need breaks in life -- not just in our jobs. But how do you know when it's time to make that break a reality? If you're feeling a little drained, take a look at these signs that you should take a break to recharge your batteries and boost your health.
Reasons a Break is Necessary
There are many reasons why a break might be necessary. Just a few good reasons to take frequent breaks include:
Mental health - You have to protect your mental health. If you don't, no one else will. And taking frequent breaks to decompress is a huge step toward better mental health.
Avoid burnout - Burnout is real. When we start to burn out, we might get sick more often, feel hopeless, and lose motivation in life. Taking appropriate breaks in life can help you avoid burnout and the side effects that come with it.
Protect your heart - Your heart is so important. If we live our lives full of stress and worry, we're putting additional strain on our hearts. If you want to keep yours healthy, it's crucial that you take breaks and allow time to de-stress.
Signs You Need a Break
So is it time for you to take a break? Here are some signs you need to schedule a break in the near future:
Irritability - Occasional irritability is normal. But if your irritability is happening every day, or it's interfering in your relationships with others, it's time to take a break and recharge.
Fatigue - No one is supposed to be bone-tired all the time. If you're constantly fatigued, something is wrong! It might be an illness or stress or your lifestyle. But no matter the cause, a break may help you catch up on rest and get rid of the fatigue collecting in your life.
Illness - We're all going to get sick from time to time. But when we're overdoing it, we tend to weaken our own immune systems and get sick much more often. If you've noticed an increase in the amount of personal illness in your life, it's a good idea to take a break and get some rest.
It's not selfish to take breaks. It's necessary! Make sure that breaks are a regular thing in your life. Make sure that you're taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical needs. Putting yourself first with regular breaks can improve your health and leave you feeling better than ever before.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Anaheim, Calif.