Can You Spare 10 Minutes to Upgrade Your Health?
By Sandy Schroeder
The question of time can be tricky when schedules are tight and demands are high, but there may be one small chunk of time that you should reserve for your health.
Harvard Health recently reminded us of how a small chunk of time can create big differences when it is applied day after day.
Their doctors and researchers challenged us to take a 10-minute walk every day. Harvard's Dr. Michael Craig Miller said, "There is a lot of power in starting slow and small. The little changes add up. If you go for a 10-minute walk, then the 10 minutes becomes easier, and maybe you'll feel good about going for 15 minutes, then 20. You'll enjoy it, and before you know it, without overwhelming yourself, you'll feel better."
What Walking 10 Minutes Per Day Can Do
Walking can be done almost anytime, anywhere. It can strengthen muscles and bones, lift the spirit and burn calories, while it lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Give it a trial run for a week. Begin slowly to get your body warmed up and then walk briskly for a few minutes. Finally walk slowly for a cool down. Choose smooth pavement or even ground and avoid high traffic areas. As you walk, if you feel like walking longer, go for it. Once you are out there walking can be addictive. I have found I can use the time to sort out problems, create new ideas, and lift my spirit. No matter how I feel when I start out, I always seem to come back smiling.
While You Are at It, Add More Upgrades
If walking becomes a natural habit, you may also find yourself looking for more ways to improve your health, such as these.
Add more vegetables to your plate - Sneak them into omelets, snacks, salads and sandwiches.
Make sleep a priority - Make sure you get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night to protect your health and be at your best on the job and at home.
Keep an eye on fluids - Adults need 30 to 50 ounces of fluids per day to keep every system in the body functioning properly. Keep a canister of water on your desk, and add more fluids with soups, fruits and vegetables. Always have water with snacks, lunch, dinner and in between glasses of wine or beer. Coffee, tea and sodas can add more fluids.
As you walk more and eat better, you may notice a drop in pounds and a boost in energy. Congratulations! Everything is working!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in.Chula Vista, Calif.