Hit and Run Play May Improve Health
By Tom Herrin
There is never a need to stress over getting in shape. Even though most people have experienced the drudgery that comes with those mundane workouts that seem to bore to tears, many feel they are the best option. This is partly because they can’t think of any others. Surely they are too old to play active games. They can hold that thought since age really can be a state of mind. Playing active games can be a lot of fun and bring about good results as they may be played at a pace that is comfortable. Field hockey, or its cousin gym hockey, can be great fun for any kind of group at any age. The best part is that it can sustain better health.
It May Help with Weight Loss
A large number of people in this country can do well to lose some weight. They struggle with it continually. The best formula for losing weight is always reducing calories with a good diet. In order to make that work even better, some aggressive exercise can do a lot. Field hockey requires a combination of running, jogging, and walking. The participants are playing the ball or puck as well. This constant movement can burn calories at a reasonably high rate. It is a good way to supplement that diet.
It May Improve Breathing
Respiration is a matter of taking in oxygen, burning it, and removing the waste material. The more work the body gets at doing that, the better able it becomes. As people play a sport such as hockey, they will see improvement in their ability to do work without becoming quite so tired. This process can help people to become more capable of performing tasks.
It May Improve Mental Function
We all are subject to issues that affect our mental and emotional operations. Field hockey is a good activity for kicking our body chemistry into gear. These can help to fight depression as well as keep away some illnesses. I always find myself better able to make decisions after working out. Physical activity has a way of clearing the mind. If you want a little something to get out there and do that will make get you going, try some field hockey. You may find that your family or friends can get into it big time.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Elk Grove, Calif.