How to Stop Overeating
By Sara Butler
Overeating happens -- and for a variety of reasons too. What may be too much to one person may be seen as not enough to another, which makes overeating a very subjective experience to boot. In general, health experts define overeating as consuming more food than you can comfortably handle in one sitting or eating more calories than your body really needs to function at its best. No matter how you define it, overeating is not good for your health or overall wellness, so it's important to recognize it and put a stop to it. Here are a few tips to help you get started.
Evaluate the Pantry
Everyone has that one food product that they simply eat too much of in one sitting. Maybe for you, that's ice cream or candy, maybe potato chips. Whatever it is, don't keep it around your home if you know you always tend to have too much. Out of sight means it will be out of mind and you can control your tendency to overeat it!
Sleep More
Sleep does more than produce pleasant dreams and help you feel rested, it also improves the function of your body's systems. When you don't sleep enough, then you're more likely to eat more the next day and crave foods that are higher in carbohydrates and calories than you may otherwise eat. So, get the recommended amount of sleep to help keep your appetite under control.
Drink More Water
Sometimes you may think you're hungry, but really you just need a drink of water! If you feel hungry but ate not too long before that, then have a tall glass of water first. If you still feel hungry 15 to 20 minutes later, then go ahead and have a healthy snack. Otherwise, you may find that all your body really needed was some good, old-fashioned water!
Take a Break
When you're eating a meal, plan to take a break about halfway through. This is a great strategy to help you gauge your hunger and let your brain catch up with your stomach. This can help you to more accurately judge if you're satisfied and that can help you to stop overeating.
Your body needs food to survive, but too much of it can have a negative impact on your health as well as how you feel. If you need help breaking away from overeating, then talk to the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic today!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fontana, Calif.