Drink Milk or Find a Substitute to Support Health
By Tom Herrin
There is little question about the need for young children to drink milk, and lots of it. School children have been provided milk as a main part of their meals in federal lunch programs for years. It has long been believed to be essential for building strong bodies. In places in which children have been deprived of an adequate amount of milk, they have often suffered some serious problems. At some point, many people tend to drink far less milk and add other foods or drinks to their diets. It may be fine, but some may have some fairly noticeable consequences as a result.
Milk Has Its Share of Good Things to Offer
We may think of milk as having lots of calcium. While it does help to supply calcium, some of its other contents are pretty important as well. One of these is protein. Drinking milk is one of the best ways to take in plenty of protein without taking in too many calories. While some suggest we drink skim milk, others have said that drinking milk with some fat may actually raise good cholesterol. This, along with the fact that it has potassium that can help blood vessels to expand, may make drinking milk a great way to support heart health.
Milk May Cause Issues for Some
Not all people are created like. We have different preferences and different kinds of internal processes. Some of us have allergies, or sensitivities to various foods. This is the case with many people and milk. Even though it has some great benefits, some individuals have reactions that are not healthy for them. One of the problems may be lactose, or sugar. Another may be one of the proteins. It has been discovered that some have problems with the A1 protein.
A Good Substitute Is Fine
We may be able to accomplish our goal while using other than milk from cows. There are some good products on the market. There are some that are lactose-free. Some producers have been able to offer milk that does not contain the A1 protein, and they are labeled as A2. Some other things are available that taste pretty good and are still healthy. Almond milk is one that seems to have gained some popularity in recent years. I drink a glass of it each night to maintain my calcium levels. It contains quite a bit more calcium than milk from cows.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Goleta, Calif.