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Don't Let Studying Stress You Out

By Donna Stark

To all the college students out there, trust me when I say we understand the pressure that comes during this time of year! Finals are right around the corner and the stress from studying can be brutal! The late nights, the study sessions, the last-minute searches for long, lost notes ... it can all be a little too much to handle. Thankfully, this time of year is temporary, but it can definitely wear out a lot of people, can't it? But with some helpful study tips, it can be a lot easier to get through than first thought.

Study Tips Everyone Can Use

Truth be told, we continue to learn things throughout our entire lives, so good study habits are beneficial for everybody. If you need to buckle down and focus for finals, or if you need to learn something on your own for another part of your life, take a look at the following suggestions.

  • Manage your time - You may need to devote a lot of time to your studies, so be aware of what is needed and schedule it on your calendar. You may even have to skip some fun things to get it all done on time.
  • Know when and where you work best - The time of day when you are most productive is different for everyone, so know when you work best and do your studying then if possible. Also, choose a location that is free of distractions.
  • Prioritize - To study efficiently, it's important to know what needs to be prioritized. The test that counts for 80 percent of your grade is probably going to be more important than the optional reading that offers only a few extra bonus points.
  • Flash Cards - Pull out those index cards! You may not have used flash cards since junior high, but it is a great way to memorize things and a perfect way to quiz yourself later.
  • Take a break and move - Give your brain and your body a break from studying every hour, even if it is just for a few minutes. Take a short walk, do some push-ups. Just get your blood flowing!
  • Get your rest - Adequate sleep is vital during this time of year, so don't cut it short. Aim for a good night's rest every day so that you have the bandwidth to study hard!
  • Ask for help - Having trouble understanding a topic? If you can't teach yourself, don't waste your time! Get help from a professor, teacher, coworker, or friend.

This Too Shall Pass

The most important thing to remember is to take one class, one test, one day at a time, and to limit the amount of pressure you are placing on yourself. This stress-filled time will soon come to an end and that is definitely something to look forward to!

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