How to Save Food and Money!
By Donna Stark
There is nothing worse than knowing your hard-earned money has been wasted, but it is especially worse knowing that waste could have been prevented. From cheap gadgets nobody really needs to expensive car repairs that could have been avoided with a little extra maintenance, there is no shortage of things we waste our money on. But one of the biggest money-eaters that plagues our nation is food waste.
How much food do you think you throw away in a week's time? If it's a lot, you may want to keep reading. Your local chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic have listed some suggestions that will help you shop wisely, save money, and consume all the food you bring home. Take a look.
Check Your Inventory
How many times have you forgotten about the cucumbers in the bottom drawer of your refrigerator and bought more? How many bottles of salad dressing do you really need? You can save a ton of money on your grocery bill simply by checking what you have in your pantry and refrigerator before you head to the store.
Make a Shopping List (and Stick to It)
Speaking of checking your home for what you already have, use that time to create your shopping list. Be sure to only list the items you know will be used in the near future and try to stick to as many whole, natural foods as you can. The only reason you should be purchasing in bulk is if you are stocking up on a particular item. And if you are doing that, keep an eye on the expiration date.
Properly Store Leftovers
Do you have leftovers from dinner? Are you going out of town with half a loaf of bread in the pantry? If so, don't throw away your food! By properly storing your extra food, you will get a second chance to enjoy the items you love, so take the time to learn how to use your refrigerator and freezer to your benefit! And don't forget, you can always use the freezer to store extra fruits, vegetables, and meat.
Use the Uglies
If your fruit and vegetables aren't picture-perfect that doesn't mean you should avoid using them. Just use them in dishes where they are hidden! For example, blend your imperfect fruit into your morning smoothie, turn those ugly vegetables into a delicious stew, and crumble that oddly shaped loaf of bread into breadcrumbs. There are so many ways to give your food a second chance at life.
Save Food, Save Money
By shopping wisely, consuming what you bring home, and properly storing all the extras, you will be able to keep your food from going to waste and save a ton of money in the process. Good luck and happy saving!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Menifee, Calif.