The Sitting Situation: Why It's Bad and How to Fix It
By Genevieve Cunningham
Sitting is an epidemic in our world today. That might seem like a strange thought, but we sit more than ever before. For some people, sitting happens for hours and hours per day. We sit during transport, at work, and when we get home. But why does this matter? As it turns out, excessive sitting actually leads to a decline in health. But how do we fix it? If you're interested in better health and a positive change in your lifestyle, take a look at the harms of sitting and some tips for getting this habit under control.
The Dangers of Sitting
Excessive sitting has been linked to a heightened risk of blood clots, heart disease, and weight gain. When our bodies don't get movement, we don't burn calories or stretch the muscles. Our joints get stiff and our blood doesn't circulate as it should. On top of these heightened risks, excessive sitting may also cause pain. Those suffering from these side effects may not even notice, which makes the situation even more dire since the conditions can creep up on you silently.
Methods for Better Health
We may not be able to completely avoid sitting. After all, transport and work often requires sitting. But these methods may help us balance the sitting with movement for better health:
Small movement - Even if you have to sit all day, there's no rule that says you can't move on breaks. During your breaks at work -- even on restroom breaks -- get up and move your body. Walk, squat, do jumping jacks, stretch. This helps break up the sitting, which leads to a higher chance of eliminating those pesky side effects.
Get busy off the clock - Many people are guilty of sitting at work and then sitting at home. If this is you, eliminate the second part. Once you leave work, stay busy until bedtime. Go for walks, garden, exercise, or play with your kids. The more movement you get in this way, the more you can minimize the damage done on the clock.
Get chiropractic care - Chiropractic care isn't a cure-all. But regular care can ease stiff spots, minimize pain, and improve circulation. It can also make mobility easier since movement is easier when pain is lessened. Many find that chiropractic care is an excellent addition to a lifestyle that requires sitting. It helps create balance, which then leads to better health overall.
If you're interested in trying these tips, most can be done on your own. Need mini movements all day? Get up! Need to move off the clock? Make yourself! But when it comes to chiropractic care, you'll need help. If this interests you, check out The Joint Chiropractic. At The Joint, getting care is easy and stress-free. Just use their walk-in visits and affordable pricing to get quality care without any extra hassle. It won't be a cure to excessive sitting, but it will definitely be a start in the right direction. Boost your health and feel your best beginning with a quick stop at The Joint Chiropractic today.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pasadena, Calif.