Take Back Your Focus One Habit at a Time
By Genevieve Cunningham
Do you ever feel like it's really hard to focus? We all feel this way at one point or another. We want to pay attention, we want to work and stay on task, but for some reason, we just can't focus on the task at hand. Our mind is constantly wandering from one thing to another. Sometimes, this is totally OK. We don't actually have an endless attention span, and that's completely normal. But other times, we need help regaining our focus and staying on top of our lives and productivity. If you're ready to take back your focus, take a look at these little habits to include in your daily life starting today.
Learn How to Be Mindful
Mindfulness works. Sure, it sometimes seems like some new-age trend, but at its core and behind all the fuss, it's the only way to live life. Mindfulness is simple: Live right now in the moment. Don't worry about tomorrow. Don't think about mistakes from yesterday. Focus on what's happening right this minute. It sounds simple, but it actually takes a lot of practice. Not only will this habit help you focus on your current task, but it will also improve your overall quality of life. It's a win-win that you really shouldn't miss.
Limit Distractions
One of the reasons why we lack focus is because we try to do too much at once. Stop! Though it might seem like you're getting more done through multi-tasking, all you're really doing is constantly introducing distractions. Try to eliminate distractions from your daily life. Put your phone in another room or turn it on silent. Close the tabs. Get off of social media. If you can eliminate distractions, you'll probably find that your focus comes back better and stronger than ever before.
Set Priorities
It's easy to talk about setting priorities, but it's a lot harder to actually do it. We tend to get lost in the mundane parts of daily life, and we forget what's really important. No wonder we're distracted! If you want more focus, set your priorities. Put your tasks on a list in order of importance, and then work on one at a time. If you know what has to be done and when, it's a bit easier to concentrate and get things done in a timely manner.
If you have trouble with focus and paying attention, you're certainly not alone. We all struggle with this -- from little kids to adults to those way up in years. It's normal! But it's also something we can improve upon. Use these tips to reclaim your focus so that you can feel healthy and productive in your daily life starting today.
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