3 Yoga Poses That Help Burn Belly Fat
By Brandi Goodman
Targeting particular areas of the body can be tricky when trying to burn fat. It's not always possible to slim down a certain spot without working out the body overall. However, certain yoga poses can help to burn some of your belly fat and reduce the size of your waist if you perform them each day. Give them a try to improve your core strength and tone your midsection.
A seated asana pose, also known as the boat pose, works wonders for your core. Start by sitting on a yoga mat with your knees bent and feet touching the floor. Lean back until you feel your core engage. Tighten your abs and raise your legs until your knees are about level with your chest. You can keep your hands placed under your knees for extra support while you get stabilized. Release your hands and keep them extended outward to help hold your balance. The navasana yoga pose greatly helps to strengthen your core. You can start by holding for five counts on the first try and adding additional seconds each day as you improve your strength.
Known as the raised leg pose, uttanpadasana also helps to engage your core. You may also experience relief with lower back pain. The pose targets the abdomen and lower back muscles. Start the pose flat on your back. Put your arms back and above your head. Raise your legs to roughly a 45-degree angle and hold for 10 breaths. You can also start by raising just the right leg and then the left leg, before trying them both together. Raising your back off the ground slightly and keeping both your legs held upright will give an even greater stretch and make your core work harder. Start at the beginning and progress to a more difficult pose as you improve.
Chaturanga Dandasana
Another yoga asana, the chaturanga pose is essentially a low plank. You get into push-up form and lower yourself as much as possible. Hold in this low position for a few breaths before returning to the higher plank height. This four-limbed staff pose keeps the core engaged, especially if you squeeze the abdominal muscles and make sure to hold your posture without dropping. You can do the pose on your knees to start if it is too difficult.
Burning belly fat is a goal for many men and women. Though cardiovascular exercise and eating healthy is the best bet for getting rid of fat throughout the body, certain yoga poses can help to strengthen the core and muscles that will get the body burning fat faster. Try one or several of these moves each day and take your measurements to see how the inches shrink away over time.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Santee, Calif.