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7 Things Wise People Never Say or Do

By Sandy Schroeder

We all learn from our daily experiences. Sometimes we come away smiling, but not always. To smile more and frown less, we really have to pay attention.

Dr. Travis Bradberry, co-founder of TalentSmart, an agency that services Fortune 500 companies, says the big secret may be knowing what you won’t do, and what you will do.

Here are things not to do.

Do not dig a hole for yourself – We have all seen people plunge into heated discussions and fight to the death. Others keep their cool, figuring out what is happening, speaking up when it counts.

Never let go of your joy – Know what makes you happy and hang on to it. Reacting to every compliment or criticism can wear you out. Concentrate on what you do, and be open to those around you. At the end of the day, make sure you enjoy what you are doing.

Don’t obsess over problems -  It is tempting to dwell on problems, forgetting all of the good things that are going on. Bradberry says emotionally intelligent people stay centered. They know their power comes from forward progress. Look at what you are doing to figure out new ways to improve.

Never say yes when you mean no – Saying yes to each request can seriously overload your life. When someone asks you to bake cookies, or donate your time, when you are already overloaded, apologize and say no. Learning to say no avoids stress. It also lets you pay attention to what you are already doing to give it your very best.

Never stay with toxic people – Every group has one or more of these folks. They can’t wait to spread bad news. Wise people head the other way when they see them coming. If the toxics used all of that energy to develop their talents, they could be stars. If you get trapped with one, listen politely, then escape. Or ask them how things can be fixed. That usually slows them way down.

Never lose your focus with mistakes – Say you are sorry when you are wrong, and accept apologies with grace. That’s how we make progress. But do pay attention. Remember what happened to avoid stepping into the same holes.

Never linger in the past – Most of us have good memories, and some that are not so great. When you get stuck remembering everything, you are not living in the present, where everything is happening. You could miss a lot of opportunities by dwelling on the past. Look around and connect with today’s events. That’s where you can make a difference.

To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic.

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