4 Reasons Why You Have to Stop Sitting So Much
By Genevieve Cunningham
Chances are really good that you're sitting down reading this right now. In fact, chances are good at almost any moment that you're sitting. We sit more than any generation before us. Between the ease of transportation and desk jobs and modern technology, sitting is an almost constant in our lives. While this might sound like a huge step forward (and it is in a lot of ways), it's a huge step backward for our health. Sitting is killing us -- literally. If you sit more often than not, take a look at why you should stand and move more starting today.
It's Bad For Your Health
Excessive sitting is a problem. Experts are even comparing it to smoking because of the negative side effects. Too much sitting raises the risk of heart disease, blood clots, high blood pressure, and various other serious health concerns. To combat these disease, we need movement. To lower the risk, we have to get up. If you want to avoid these negative side effects, nix the sitting in the bud.
It's Bad For Your Weight
Sitting still doesn't do much for any weight loss goals. You won't burn many calories, build any muscle, or get your body moving in any sort of healthy direction. It may even cause you to gain weight -- which is probably the exact opposite of your current goal. If you want to lose weight, you have to break this bad habit.
It Makes You Lazy
The more you sit, the more you want to sit. It's a vicious cycle that can keep you in poor health. In short, sitting makes you feel lazy. If you want to feel strong and healthy, you have to get up. Fight the urge to be lazy, and you'll be able to improve everything about your health and your habits too.
It's a Poor Lifestyle Choice
Sitting just isn't a good choice for a healthy lifestyle. Sure, you're going to have to sit at times. Maybe at work and even to enjoy some TV or technology time now and again. But all day every day is just not a good choice. If a healthy lifestyle is the goal, you have to make good choice -- and regular movement is definitely one of them.
If you sit all day, it's not too late to change your ways. Make a change to your lifestyle and make it now! With more movement, less sitting, and living your healthy life on purpose, you can change the course of your health starting now and lasting a lifetime.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Van Nuys, Calif.