3 Ways the Drama is Killing Your Health
By Genevieve Cunningham
Unless you're into reality television, you probably aren't keen on a lot of drama in your life. Though we all fall victim to a bit of drama now and again, no one wants or needs to live in a constant state of dramatic affairs. In fact, living your life in constant chaos and turmoil might be really damaging to your health. If you've been in a little too much drama lately, take a look at these three ways that drama is totally killing your health, plus a few tips to cut it out for good.
It's Raising Your Blood Pressure
Drama creates stress, and excess stress raises your blood pressure. While a few random instances of high blood pressure isn't much to worry about, long-term blood pressure issues can cause big problems for your overall health. By keeping the drama away, you'll maintain level blood pressure and improve your basic state of health.
It's Interrupting Your Sleep
Drama and stress are not friends to sleep. Anyone experiencing excess of these problems is bound to have problems resting. It may keep you from falling asleep, or it may wake you up multiple times per night. Either way, the results are the same: exhaustion. To fight the insomnia, kick a little of the drama out of your life.
It's Mentally Draining
Drama is mentally draining. It takes over your thoughts and zaps your energy. Many times, we don't even realize it's happening. We're just suddenly overwhelmed. But if you cut back on the drama, the mental exhaustion is more likely to let up.
How to Cut It Out
Eliminate people - Unfortunately, cutting drama might mean cutting people. If a particular person is overly dramatic and causing you stress, you may have to cut back on seeing them.
Eliminate tasks - Sometimes we create our own drama because we spread ourselves too thin. If this is the case for you, you may need to cut some of your activities. Having too much to do exacerbates any stress that we feel. Be involved, but don't drive yourself crazy running from place to place.
Schedule quiet time - If you're not getting quiet time, you may have to create it in your schedule. Put it on your to-do list. Quiet time relaxes the mind and lowers stress so that dealing with a little drama isn't quite so hard.
Drama happens. We get caught up in people's opinions and the happenings in our relationships. But too much drama can totally ruin our health. Recognize drama when it's happening, and then use these tips to cut back and keep yourself healthy.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Castle Rock, Colo.