Good Drainage May Be Bad for Backs
By Tom Herrin
No matter what people do, there is likely something that can be better than their current situation. That is, there may be trouble out there waiting everywhere. In the case of those who live in flood prone areas, drainage can be a real issue. Shedding water can be a serious problem. The cure for that may be to have more falloff in the area surrounding their homes. The down side of that is that it may mean that they must deal with more difficult terrain. Even doing simple things, such as mowing or trimming, can be a challenge. Getting around in these steeper places can place a strain on the back. It can end up as a painful experience. If this situation catches you off guard, a visit to a chiropractor may help to get your defenses back.
How Is This a Problem?
Walking around on these uneven surfaces can cause the gait to be placed in a stressful situation. The effort for the muscles to compensate for this may take a toll on them. They may become strained, leaving the joints of the spine with less support. This may result in a joint dysfunction in which pressure is applied to a nerve. This can cause pain that may seem relentless. It may leave an individual wondering how this pain could have happened.
Chiropractors Can Identify Problems and Relieve Pain
When people go to a chiropractor, they usually are given an adjustment. This is a way of gently manipulating the spine so that the injured joint is restored to its optimal position and relieve the pressure from the nerve. At the same time, the pain may be relieved. It is all-natural, so no pain medications are used. This means no risk of addiction or side effects. It also usually means a faster return to normal everyday activities.
Regular Visits May Be a Part of Good Health Maintenance
Most people would really like to do what they can to maintain better health. It can mean less discomfort. Visiting a chiropractor regularly may help to keep the body working well. At The Joint Chiropractic, they have plans that can make this possible. No insurance is required, no appointments are necessary. They are open days and evenings, weekdays and weekends at all of their more than 450 locations nationwide. If working to keep up your yard seems to work your back over, drop in at The Joint Chiropractic and help to keep it pain free.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Colorado Springs, Colo.