It Helps to Know How to Rest an Injury
By Tom Herrin
Getting an injury from some kind of accident at home is nothing new. People have been getting them for years. When something such as the dreaded sprained ankle occurs, a person is usually limited in some of the things they are able to do. In order to heal properly, they need to keep the weight off of the injured part for a period of time. At the very least, it is an inconvenience. It may be impossible for some to keep this weight off for a very long period of time. As a result, they will likely need to use some kind of walking aid.
Walking Aids Come in All Types
Most people have had some kind of experience with using a walking aid. They come in a variety of types, often used for different purposes. The one most people have probably seen most often is crutches. They are used when people want to keep most of their weight off of an injured part and still get around. A cane has been around for a long time. It is sometimes used when people want to help to improve their stability when walking. It is good for those who have limited issues with balance. A walker seems to have become pretty common. It is difficult to watch television without seeing an ad for one of these. They come in a large variety of styles.
Training Can Make Using Crutches Simple
The right fit is essential. The top of a crutch should be an inch or two below the armpit. The hand grips should be at about the level of the top of the hips. When people use them, they should be able to lift themselves slightly as they walk. Keeping the arm pits off of the crutch can help prevent bruising and soreness. Taking one step with both crutches and the next with the good foot will allow pretty free movement. With a little practice, it is possible to move around pretty well.
Use What Is Available
If you have some kind of walking aid, it is wise to learn how to use it correctly. It would also be wise to train the entire family. Another thing to do is make a safety check of the home. Making our homes safer and preparing to use what we have when needed can help all of us to be better prepared for all situations.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Colorado Springs, Colo.