Encourage Your Grandparents to Get Chiropractic
By Brandi Goodman
Chiropractic care isn't just for one age group. In fact, all ages can benefit. Older adults should really utilize the service most often because they're the most at risk for falls. Encourage your grandparents -- or perhaps your parents -- to get chiropractic so they can improve their mobility and experience other benefits.
Fall Prevention
Seniors tend to experience more frequent falls than other age groups. They may feel shaky and unbalanced on their feet, causing them to trip more often. Chiropractic may be able to help with this. An adjustment can correct joint restrictions or subluxations that are currently in place, causing discomfort and perhaps even a hunched appearance. The body needs a reset in order to operate at its full capability. Your grandpa may be able to stand taller and walk with balance after an adjustment or two.
Reducing Back Pain
An aching back is a common complaint among older adults. The work they may have done in their lifetime, the stress they've endured, and their decreasing bone density can all play a role in this. A chiropractor can help to reduce back pain and help seniors feel more like their younger selves. An adjustment that corrects restrictions may take away a lot of discomfort.
Therapeutic Exercises
One adjustment won't suddenly make a senior citizen feel and look young. The body can age significantly in a short time. After years of losing bone density and strength, it will take some real work to make major improvements. A chiropractor can recommend some therapeutic exercises to help achieve results faster. Some exercises will target particular areas of the body and are easier for older adults with poor mobility to do. Your grandparent may receive advice on chair exercises they can do sitting down or be encouraged to start with some stretches that can enhance the flexibility of their joints and help to loosen them up.
Gentle Adjustments
If your grandparents are worried about chiropractic because they think the adjustment will be too harsh on their bodies, assure them it won't be. Gentle manipulations are normally offered for those with weakened bones and joints. The chiropractor should be careful and considerate of this while performing the adjustment.
Older adults who begin to lose their mobility as they age should really consider chiropractic. It has the potential to reduce discomfort, improve mobility, prevent falls, and be of major benefit to overall health. Encourage your grandparents, parents, or any older people you know to seek chiropractic care.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Highlands Ranch, Colo.