Safer Driving Techniques From the Chiropractor
By Brandi Goodman
Some drivers spend significant amounts of time in their vehicles. All of this sitting while navigating bumpy terrain can lead to some serious pain. Whether you're only in the car for a quick 20 minutes, or you have an hour or more each way, some techniques from the chiropractor can help you get there safely -- and free from discomfort.
Adjust Your Seat
The first thing you should do when getting into your vehicle is adjust the seat. This is especially true if you know someone else drove it before you or if you share a car with others. Your seat's position can make a big difference in whether you feel uncomfortable during your drive or not. Sit too far back, and you'll be exerting yourself trying to reach and stay one with the steering wheel. It may be difficult to reach the pedals. Sit too close, and you'll be cramped and tense.
Stop Lights Mean Stretch!
If you don't have time to stop the car and physically get out, then you should at least be stretching where you sit. Each time you arrive at a stop light, make sure to stretch your arms and legs out as best as you can. Rotating your shoulders, leaning back, dipping your head down, and basic maneuvers such as these can all help more than you realize.
Don't Slouch
Slouching in your seat is never a wise idea. You'll end up with some lower back pain or an ache in your side or shoulder. It's better to keep your seat upright, with your back upright, so you can avoid that discomfort. If you need to, put a lumbar support cushion or small pillow behind your back to help get some necessary support.
Drink Water
Water is always good for the body. When you have a long commute, skip the caffeine and drink water instead. It will help your joints stay limber so you're less likely to experience an ache so quickly as you're driving. Dehydration can quickly lead to muscle spasms and pain, which you wouldn't want to happen while on the road.
Pain isn't always avoidable, but with these tips in mind you should be able to make it through a drive without as much discomfort as usual. When you have the time, stop in at The Joint for an adjustment, and you'll be even more likely to handle your drive with ease.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lakewood, Colo.