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Small Health Steps to Change Your Life

By Genevieve Cunningham

It doesn't take giant steps to change your life. It takes tiny choices every day to make improvements. It takes baby steps. Baby steps that eventually turn into massive change. This is the way it works for our lives, and this is the way it works for our health, too. But these tiny changes are still difficult to make. What do we do? Where do we begin? If you're ready to take your health into your own hands, take a look at these small health steps that can change your life for good.

Get Movement Every Day

Notice that this doesn't say "get an intense workout every day." It doesn't say that because it's not necessary. Movement is necessary, not intense, sweat inducing, fat blasting workouts. Just get up and stretch. Go for a walk. Take a dive in a pool. Movement keeps our bodies healthy and also improves the health of our minds. Add just a little movement every day, and you'll already be moving toward better health.

Drink Water First

We're killing our own diets. One of the biggest culprits in our daily diet is what we drink. We so rarely reach for a glass of water, instead opting for soda or tea or coffee of a million flavors. By continually making these choices, we're dehydrating ourselves. We're causing our own digestive issues and our own blemishes. If you want a very simple way to turn your health around, start by drinking water before anything else. It may seem like a small, inconsequential action, but it will quickly add up to better health.

Enjoy Some Alone Time

We're too busy. We're scheduled to the max and we work without ceasing. This might seem like the only way to get ahead, but it's actually incredibly detrimental to our health. Make sure that you're taking time for yourself. Make sure that you're getting enough alone time with your thoughts. Make sure that you're taking time to unwind and breathe deep. You'll need this time throughout your life, so make it a habit now.

It doesn't take massive action to get your health turned around. It takes small, consistent action. Use these tips to get moving in the right direction, and enjoy better health for the rest of your life.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Thornton, Colo.

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