7 (Mostly) Unscientific Benefits of Cats
By Kate Gardner
I know not everyone feels the same way, but I love cats. I think they're funny and furry and I have four of them sleeping on my couch right now. In my estimation, cats are good for more than just viral videos and internet memes. They make life better.
PetMD.com reports that actual science supports this idea. Living with cats has been associated with stress reduction, lower blood pressure, increased cardiovascular health, and a lower rate of ear infections and respiratory problems in children. That's all well and good, but today we're going to talk about the top seven unscientific benefits of cats.
Benefits of Cats
Cats are hilarious - There's a reason cat videos and memes are everywhere. Cats are unintentional masters of comedy. Whether they're trying to fit themselves into tiny boxes or making themselves comfortable on the family dog, there's just something amusing about the behavior of cats.
Love from a cat means something - Full disclosure: I have a dog, too. She's sweet and likes to get right in my face to show me how much she cares for me. None of my cats do that. When they show love (and they do!), it's less frequent and more reserved. In those moments, I feel like I've earned something special.
Cats don't have to be walked - Dogs have to go outside several times a day. It doesn't matter what the weather is like, they need to go. Cats, on the other hand, don't. In fact, they would probably be horrified if you tried to take them out in the rain or snow.
Cats are (almost) always small enough to sleep on your lap - There's something pleasant about a cat making itself comfortable on you. They may be motivated more by finding a warm place to sleep than their undying love for you, but who cares.
They're so pretty - There's a reason pretty and kitty rhyme, and it's because cats are so darn cute. Also, kittens are so cute it boggles the mind.
Cats don't judge you - OK, sometimes their facial expressions hint that they do, in fact, judge you. But they don't talk about you behind your back.
Cats create connections - Anytime we take care of another living thing, it enriches our lives. This may be especially true in children. As reported in Attachment and Human Development, a child's attachment to a pet (cat or dog) is associated with better communication with parents and better quality of life.
Maybe you're not a cat person, but it's hard to deny they have a lot of personality! And they can make you feel better, which is a powerful tool to have in your home.
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