Lower Blood Pressure With Chiropractic Therapy
By Chris Brown
A whopping 45 percent of the U.S. population is plagued by chronic hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. For many, a hypertension diagnosis can create anxiety, worsening potential health risks. The anxiety, though, makes sense when considering that doctors draw direct links between high blood pressure and early death. Chiropractic offers a study-supported, side effect-free treatment that can relieve the body's daily toll from hypertension.
Dangers of Chronic High Blood Pressure
According to the UK's National Health Service, chronically high blood pressure causes wear on not only the vessels and heart, but all organs through which blood is pumped (including the brain, kidneys, and eyes). This results in serious, and often deadly, consequences such as stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, and even loss of sight. Scarier still, high blood pressure rarely reveals symptoms until it has significantly damaged the body. That is why regular medical checkups are important in catching it early, before major issues arise.
Traditional Treatments for High Blood Pressure
Traditional treatments for high blood pressure usually fall into one of two categories: lifestyle modifications or medication.
Diet and lifestyle modifications - Generalized lifestyle modifications, such as lowered alcohol, salt, caffeine, and nicotine, are often the first steps taken by doctors to curb blood pressure levels. Additionally, overweight patients are advised to lose pounds to further reduce pressure on the blood vessels. As the causes of high blood pressure are individualistic, these changes have varying degrees of effectiveness.
Medications - Medications are used when lifestyle fails to lower blood pressure. The various types work by reducing blood fluid levels, slowing down one's heartbeat, or relaxing the blood vessel nerves. These medications, while effective, can have side effects such as fatigue, depression, rashes, headaches, and dizziness. And, when considering that these are often lifetime medications, any side effects that impact one's daily life may be too costly.
Studies Find Chiropractic Methods to Reduce Hypertension
Chiropractic can be a key ingredient in medication-free treatment of hypertension. Several studies have found correlations between chiropractic sessions and lowered blood pressure. In one study following 24 African American patients, 23 chiropractic sessions significantly reduced blood pressure in those without excessive body mass indexes. This suggests that chiropractic's blood pressure reduction may be most effective when body weight isn't a causal reason.
Chiropractic's successes lowering blood pressure appears to result from adjustments' reduction of restrictions in the spine's upper cervical region. This region, it is theorized, manages the systematic homeostatic mechanism of the body that plays a role in nervous and endocrine system response. The theory is that removing restrictions optimizes these systems and, as a result, lowers blood pressure levels. This is supported by a 2012 study of 42 patients with high blood pressure. Upper cervical adjustments significantly decreased blood pressure for both stage one and stage two hypertensive participants. This points to spinal alignment playing a role in blood pressure regulation, as it does with other key bodily functions.
Let The Joint Chiropractic lower your blood pressure with a stress-free, walk-in session. Prices are affordable without insurance, so it is without the added anxiety of rushing to costly appointments. With over 500 clinics nationwide, The Joint is always nearby help your cardiovascular system regain healthy levels.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Coral Springs, Fla.