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Swimsuit Season: 3 Tips to Shed Some Weight

By Virginia Laird

With the first glimpse of spring weather heading to every town across the nation in just a couple of weeks, many may begin to start digging out their swimsuits. Most may decide that a little work is needed to feel completely comfortable strolling around the pool in a swimsuit. Whether you are one who desires to shed a few pounds or tone up, now is the time to begin making a difference. Fitness experts have offered a few tips to help those needing to get swimsuit ready, including:

  • Increase your water consumption
  • Stop consuming junk food
  • Make time to work out

Increase Your Water Consumption

Research suggests one of the best things you can do to prepare for swimsuit season is to increase your water consumption. This offers a plethora of benefits. It is wise to know that consuming plenty of water can help curb your appetite and help with weight loss. Another benefit of drinking plenty of water is to keep your skin hydrated and vibrant. It is suggested that you should consume at least half of your body weight in ounces each day. With only a few weeks remaining to make big progress, it is necessary to start drinking plenty of water today.

Stop Consuming Junk Food

For those who are serious about making a statement in their swimsuit this spring, it is best to cut out the junk food now. Research suggests that consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain. Health and wellness experts suggest that cutting out soda, sugar, fast foods, and chips can help you see quick progress. If you are one who may struggle to cut out all junk, choose a couple of things to begin with.

Make Time to Work Out

Exercise should be a priority for anyone seeking a healthy lifestyle. However, for those looking to shed a few pounds and tone up prior to swimsuit season, adding a daily workout can help you achieve progress. Fitness experts admit that making time to work out at least 30 minutes each day can be enough. Still, plenty of these experts suggest that not all the workout should be cardio. Using weights can help tone the muscles while burning fat. Start making time to exercise today.

Now is the time to begin getting your body ready to enjoy plenty of pool time this spring and summer!

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

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