Chiropractic Care and the Health of Teachers
By Paul Rothbart
There probably isn't a more important profession than teaching. Educating minds, young and old, is essential to a stable, ever-evolving world. Teachers help shape the future. The successes of their students are also their successes. I have tremendous respect for them as I have a wife and daughter who teach. It is a demanding job that can take a toll on the body. Teachers need to take good care of themselves. Chiropractic may be helpful. Here are some tips for those who teach in various capacities.
Stay Active
Between teaching classes, lesson planning, and grading, it can be difficult to find time to exercise. But it is important. Teachers stand and talk for long periods. This can be hard on the back and lower body. A light jog or ride on a bike in the morning before class is one way to get some exercise into your schedule. Take advantage of whatever free time is available. Weekends should present a chance for a good workout. Even just taking a walk during lunch can be very helpful.
Get Enough Sleep
For most teachers, there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day but don't cheat yourself on sleep. Just like anyone else, you need at least 8-9 hours each night. Insufficient sleep makes concentration difficult and can cause depression and many health issues. Plan an efficient schedule that includes enough time for sleep. You will be healthier and happier.
Meal Planning
Despite the school's best intentions, cafeteria food is not always the healthiest. Plan your meals ahead of time. Get up early enough to eat a healthy breakfast and consider packing a lunch. You can choose healthy foods that you like. Good nutrition is essential to health.
Good Footwear
Teachers tend to spend most of their day on their feet, standing in front of a class. Good quality shoes that fit well and provide support are important. Poor support can cause pain in your feet, legs, and even in your back. Over time, it can cause serious damage. Don't let that happen.
See a Chiropractor
If there is any profession that could benefit from chiropractic care, it's teaching. Staring at a screen or reading students' papers for hours can cause neck problems. Standing or even sitting for a long time can strain the back. A good chiropractor can find any subluxations or other issues and correct them with an adjustment. This can help prevent pain and keep your back and joints healthy.
Teaching is a noble and important profession. It is also demanding. Teachers, take good care of yourselves, the world needs you. Consider a visit to The Joint Chiropractic. No appointment is needed and you may find that regular chiropractic care helps you keep educating generations of eager students.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Orlando, Fla.