Eye Safety in the Midst of Firework Season
By Brandi Goodman
Fireworks Eye Safety and Cataracts Awareness Month got its start in June thanks to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. The 4th of July is the most common time people attend firework shows -- and purchase fireworks to light off at home. With this event just around the corner, now is the time to start learning about how to keep yourself safe. Fourteen percent of fireworks-related injuries happen to the eyes. You should focus on eye safety in the midst of firework season to prevent damage to your vision.
Never Run With Fireworks in Hand
It may seem fun to run around with sparklers or other fireworks as you light them, but this practice is dangerous. You need to use caution and remain still. If you light fireworks, quickly get away from them and let them go off on their own. Never stand directly over one or point them toward your face.
Make Sure Everyone is Out of Range
Pay attention to the direction the firework is pointing. Be sure that no one is in range of this direction and everyone is standing far enough back. You may not do damage to your own eyes, but you could harm someone else's if they're close by when you choose to light it.
Do Not Relight Duds
You may get a dud that only lights for a moment and then fails to go off as intended. Do not attempt to relight these fireworks. Doing so may cause an abnormal reaction, such as going off earlier than intended or shooting up when it was supposed to remain in place. Account for a few duds in your package and buy extra so you don't find yourself attempting to give them one more try that could result in injury.
Keep Water Nearby
You should use water to put out all fireworks after they're done. Even duds should be soaked with water so they do not suddenly light up or shoot off later on. Stand back as you do the pouring so the smoke does not get into your eyes and cause discomfort.
Seek Immediate Medical Attention
Corneal abrasions, thermal burns, retinal detachment, and rupture to the eye are just a few of the issues that fireworks can cause. If you do experience a mishap and suffer damage to your eye, do not try to handle it yourself. Do not rinse your eye, rub your eye, try to remove any particles, or otherwise attempt to provide self-care. You need to seek immediate medical attention from a professional so you do not cause further damage.
You can enjoy fireworks without worrying about injury as long as you practice safety. Use extreme caution as you light off your own and even attend shows where debris may fall near you. You want to enjoy your holidays and not spend them in the emergency room.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pace, Fla.