Fighting the Painful Bouts of IBS
By Chris Brown
Has abdominal pain suddenly become a bane of your daily life? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may be to blame. IBS is a disorder of the large intestine that causes all sorts of stomach issues including bloating, cramping, and problems with bowel movement. It is an infuriatingly stubborn and limiting disorder with a range of potential causes. Finding and addressing the root causes of your IBS can slow its progression or even stop it from reoccurring. IBS may come on suddenly and seem random in its attack but, by pursuing an active investigation, you can regain power over your intestinal health.
Why Has IBS Chosen You?
While it is most common in women under the age of 50, IBS has a long list of factors that can trigger its development. Finding your root cause can influence the path of effective treatment. One or multiple potential causes may be at the core of your IBS. These include chronic depression and anxiety, abdominal muscle contraction problems, nervous system abnormalities and poor brain-body communication, post-infection bacterial overgrowth, and imbalances in your gut's microbiome. IBS can also be genetic, so learning if other family members also suffer from its symptoms can be a major clue in solving the causal mystery.
How Can I Take Control of My IBS?
Taking control of IBS has much to do with addressing the source cause. However, there are general triggers which can increase the risk of a flare-up. Both stress and certain foods, such as wheat, dairy products, or citrus, have been known to worsen IBS activity. Reducing your stress levels and experimenting with dietary changes can limit the time you experience IBS symptoms. You can also directly attack the root cause of your IBS, if it is known.
For example, if you suspect that changes in your gut biome are to blame for your IBS (perhaps following a cycle of antibiotics), then rebuilding your gut with good bacteria (by taking probiotics and stopping sugar intake) may relieve your condition permanently. Similarly, the poor nervous system communication that could be causing IBS can be improved by the fixing of spinal subluxations at a chiropractor's office. So, experimenting with chiropractic manipulation could lead to a miracle cure of your IBS, in addition to the other health benefits of improved brain-body communication.
Curing your IBS may be as simple as finding your individual triggers and addressing them. Unfortunately, narrowing this down may be a monumental task of trial and error. Keep in mind though that, with each test, you are getting closer and closer to discovering the key for your freedom from IBS flare-ups.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Palm Harbor, Fla.