Tips to Help Sick Children Recover Faster
By Randi Morse
The time of year when colds and flu viruses make their way around can be a nightmare for parents. When your children get sick the only thing you want is to help them feel better, but that can be difficult, especially when you're dealing with a virus or bug that just has to run its course. If your little one has the sniffles or a bad cough, here are a few ways to help them feel better.
Hydration, Hydration, Hydration
Every doctor and pediatrician will tell you the same thing: make sure you keep your child hydrated. The old wives tale that says to feed a cold and starve a fever isn't necessarily true, but the idea behind it makes sense. It basically means that those who have a fever need to focus more on keeping hydrated than their caloric intake. The truth is that all sick kids should hydrate, so make sure you get something they'll enjoy. Water is amazing if they'll drink it, but watered down juice can work just as well. Ginger ale is a great option if they have an upset stomach. Get whatever fluid you can get into them, it helps to thin out the mucus which can make it much easier to cough up the virus.
Chicken Soup
Remember when you were sick as a child and your mom or grandmother served you chicken soup? Chicken soup is a classic remedy for one important reason: it works. Chicken soup actually has anti-inflammatory properties which can help make it easier for munchkins to breathe and can reduce congestion. It's also a liquid so it helps keep little ones hydrated.
Scratchy Throats
There's nothing more frustrating than a scratchy throat, but fortunately there are a number of things parents can do to help soothe a sore throat. Cold things like popsicles or crushed ice can numb the throat so it's less painful, and if your child is old enough to do a salt water gargle, that can go a long way toward helping alleviate a painful, itchy throat.
Get Some Steam
You can create a steam room in your home right in your bathroom. Run the shower as hot as you possibly can and make sure any exhaust fans are shut off. Once the steam has started to fill the room, bring in your child. One way to keep your child in the room comfortably is to bring a game or two with you. Let them sit in there with you as long as they can stand it, or until the hot water runs out.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pensacola, Fla.