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How to Destress at Work

By Victoria Meisinger

Stress affects everyone. Even if you’re a go-with-the-flow hippie, stress can creep up on you in ways you’d never expect.

Here are a few ways to ease your mind on the job.

Take a Break

This is probably one of the most obvious ways to take a step back and collect yourself; however you’d be surprised at how many people actually do this wrong.

Put down the phone - The natural instinct nowadays is to check our phones whenever we have the free time. With social media, I find myself losing up to a half-hour just getting lost between the many photos and captions. This is dangerous because we spend so much time on our phones without even realizing it. So if you’re on a break, I’d recommend keeping that phone away -- otherwise the time will just seem shorter than it actually is. 

Many studies also prove that phones can stress us out even more. From comparing yourself to other people or just seeing how many emails you haven’t opened up yet, it can take a large toll on your mind.

Tell yourself you're on a break - This may seem stupid, but I’ve found that it actually works pretty well. Once we’re stressed out, it’s hard to just push it all away and focus on something else. Often, I find myself even more stressed out on a break because my mind won’t stop going over everything I need to do.

The solution to this problem is literally saying to yourself, “OK, I’m on a break now.” Say it as many times as you want, inside your head, aloud, it doesn’t matter. This lets it sink into your mind faster that you are, indeed, on a break and can help you step away from whatever is causing you to freak out.

Eat some food - This has to be my favorite way to destress, although you don’t want to stress eat. Stress eating can actually make you feel worse, especially if your go-to snack is junk food.

Instead, take this time to grab something healthy, yet tasty, such as fruit or maybe some good hummus. What you need is brain food to help keep your mind clear and focused. Also keep in mind to eat slow and enjoy your food -- this is called mindful eating. This will help take your mind off things even more. And don’t forget to drink water -- the effects of dehydration will just make your stress even worse.

Make a List

When you have a ton of things floating around in your mind, stress will just make it worse by blowing it up and distorting it into something it isn’t. So make a list. This way you can visually see what you need to do and put them in ranking order from most to least important. It can also give you a lot of satisfaction when you cross things off.

Take Deep Breaths

This will not only ease your mind, but also your body, because it’s proven that deep breaths help put your body in a relaxed state. Stress can raise your heart rate, and even upset your stomach, so calming yourself down before these start is ideal, and deep breathing will help get you there.

The workplace can be a very stressful environment. However, with the right train of thought you can turn it into a positive one. Just remember to stay calm, everything will be OK.

To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Seminole, Fla.

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