Keep Your Cool: Working From Home With Kids
By Rachel Shouse
A lot of families are going through a wide variety of struggles right now. Some are unemployed and looking for work. Others are working from home and the remainder were fortunate to keep their original work schedule. If you fall into the category that's working from home, you're a special breed of person. Working from home may seem like a wonderful idea, but it very much has its own set of challenges. During times like this, be sure you're asking for outside help. Creating a schedule that works for your family is a great way to reduce stress. It's also important that you try your best to let go of the things you can't control.
Don't Be Shy: Ask for Help
It may seem like us parents are rather on our own right now. We're supposed to be keeping to ourselves for now. While understandable, it creates another set of struggles parents must face.. Fortunately, it's OK to still ask for help. Just be sure to be wise about it. You can ask your parents, friends, grandparents, etc. Sometimes asking for help can provide the other person with a sense of purpose.
Create a Schedule Your Family Benefits From
Making a schedule that works for your family could help solve a lot of problems. Working from home can cause a person to feel like they should always be working or they feel bad when they haven't had the time. Creating a schedule can help show you some available time that you didn't know you had. It's important to also remember that multitasking is possible, but it's not the best way to operate. Keep this down to a minimum when possible.
Letting Go of Control
You really can only do your best. Expecting yourself to do everything for everyone can have a serious impact on your mental health. Sometimes, you aren't going to have time to do the dishes, vacuum, fold the laundry, etc. There's a therapeutic tool you can use to help you through these types of times. It's called radical acceptance.
Radical acceptance seems straightforward, which it is; however, implementing this type of tool takes time and effort. It means that you accept the things you can't control for what they are. You don't have time to do the laundry? Tell yourself it's OK and let your mind focus on what it should be focusing on. Don't waste what energy you do have on tasks that don't matter in the long run.
It takes a lot of mental effort to get through hard times. Some find it helpful to know that these struggles are temporary. Life isn't going to be like this forever. So, have hope. Hope will help you get through it.
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