Turn the Page on Stress and Start Living
By Sandy Schroeder
Most of us feel the pressure as the holidays pick up, and we tend to accept stress as part of life, but we might be smarter to recognize what it does, and take steps to erase the impact.
What It Does to the Body
You probably know the familiar signs when stress strikes. That fight or flee reaction takes its toll on the body.
- Breathing speeds up
- Pulse and blood pressure rates rise
- Digestion slows down
- Immune activity weakens
- Muscles tense
- Tension keeps us awake at night
Not all stress is negative. Weddings, promotions, and special trips can load us up just as easily as illness, work overloads or financial pressures. Major changes, good or bad, can push our stress buttons.
Here are some of the symptoms to be aware of.
- Back or chest pain
- Sweating
- Muscle spasms
- Cramps
- Headaches
- Fainting
- Loss of libido
- High blood pressure
- Heart issues
- Aching muscles
- Upset stomach
- Sleeplessness
- Twitches
How to Make Stress Go Away
A few changes in your daily routine could ease the pressure and relax your mind and body.
Put daily exercise to work - Research shows exercise benefits the mind and the body.
Reduce coffee, drugs and alcohol - Too often we increase these substances instead of reducing them when stress strikes. Start dialing them back or cut them out and experience the difference.
Get organized - Reduce your worry level by streamlining your schedule and eliminating unnecessary items.
Eat healthy - Lots of fruit and veggies paired with lean protein will boost your immune system and supply extra energy.
Take some timeouts - Give yourself permission to set aside time each day just for you.
Choose a way to relax - Yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises can slow down your system and help you let go of stress.
Reach out - Stay in touch with family, friends and neighbors. Use coffees, lunches and suppers to trade thoughts and regroup.
Take Your Emotional Temperature
Sometimes we can become so involved that we miss the signs of stress and minimize their impact. If you find yourself tiring easily, snapping at everyone, and feeling muddled and confused, you may need to step back and take a good look at your schedule and your life. Ask yourself:
- Do I feel totally wiped out every single day?
- Do I feel tired when I get up and exhausted at the end of the day?
- When's the last time I just took an afternoon off for no specific reason?
- Do weekends blend into the daily schedule as work spills over?
We are all individuals and some people tolerate more stress than others. Take a good look to make sure you are handling your stress and do something about it if you need to.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Windermere, Fla.