4 Addictions You Should Try to Break Today
By Genevieve Cunningham
When we think about addictions, we immediately think of things like drugs and alcohol. These addictions are unfortunately rampant in our modern world. And there's certainly no denying that these addictions are dangerous and require help. But the truth is that we all have a few addictions. These may not be quite as severe, but they still deserve attention. And it would be best if we would just quit! If you would like to get in the best health possible, take a look at these four addictions that you should try to break for a healthier life.
The Obvious: Tobacco
There's no question about the consumption of tobacco. It's not good for us. We know this, and yet there are still plenty of people who use either cigarettes or smokeless tobacco. Seriously, it's time to stop. Tobacco use can lead to minor issues such as stained teeth, and it can also lead to major issues such as cancer. If you're still using tobacco of any kind, get the help you need to nip it in the bud for good.
The Most Common: Sugar
Just about everyone is addicted to sugar. The hard part about sugar is that we don't realize we're addicted, and even worse, we think the constant cravings are normal. But too much sugar can lead to excess weight, headaches, and a heightened risk of major diseases such as diabetes. To cut the addiction to sugar, you have to cut back your overall consumption. It will be difficult, but once you give it up (or cut way back), your body and mind will probably feel better than ever.
The Least Offensive: Caffeine
Unless you're pounding energy drinks all day long, your caffeine addiction probably isn't causing many problems. So why stop? Because caffeine addictions can deplete our natural energy reserves and also cause withdrawal symptoms when the substance isn't available. The good news is that you don't have to quit altogether. A little bit of caffeine probably isn't hurting you. Just try to cut back -- especially in the afternoon -- and you'll be well on your way to better health.
The Least Expected: Exercise
You can be addicted to anything -- even good things. When people become addicted to exercise, they spend way too much time and energy on burning calories. They often overwork their muscles and their bodies in general. While exercise is absolutely a wonderful activity for the body, it's not healthy to overdo it. Make sure your exercise habits are safe and under control to keep your body in its healthiest condition.
Addictions happen. They vary widely in intensity and severity. Some addictions cause immediate danger and others are not serious at all. But no matter what kind of addictions you have going on in your life, you don't have to live with them. Get these minor addictions under control in your life, and start living your healthiest life moving forward.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Winter Springs, Fla.