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Holiday Gift Wrapping and Your Back

By Sara Butler

When you think about holiday gift wrapping, the first thing that pops into your mind probably isn’t your back – but it should be. Truth be told, holiday gift wrapping can take quite a toll on the health of your back. This time of the year, it’s not unheard of for the chiropractors at The Joint to see patients complaining of back pain in the aftermath of sitting on the floor and wrapping up presents. Yeah, back pain can really rob you of the some of the jollies of the holidays! Here’s what you can do to save your back and get all your gifts wrapped this holiday season.

Where’s Your Work Surface

Part of the problem with wrapping gifts is where you’re doing it. If you’re doing it on the floor, then it’s no wonder your back is protesting. You should be doing it on a surface that is at a height you can comfortably sit without hunching over. A counter, work table or bed can be made to work.

One tip you really want to take to heart when wrapping gifts is to change up your position frequently. Use the bed for a couple of gifts, then switch to a table, then go to a counter. Varying your position is really important and takes time to do, but it’ll be worth it when you walk away with all your gifts wrapped and no back pain in sight!

Your Materials

You need to make sure that all the things you need to wrap it up right such as scissors, tape, and wrapping paper are within easy reach. Part of what can really get you in trouble and cause back pain is overextending your back, resulting in muscle strain or even sprain. When things are easily within reach you can easily avoid reaching too far and inadvertently hurting your back.

Don’t Forget to Warm Up

Wrapping gifts is a physical activity, so take the time to lightly stretch before you get started. You will activate the muscles you’re getting ready to use, which will help make things easier as you embark on a wrapping marathon.

Other than these tips, just remember to have fun! Have some warm peppermint tea and turn up the holiday tunes as you get to wrapping and spreading holiday cheer for all around you to hear! If you do go a little too far, then get into The Joint to see your chiropractor right away!

To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic.

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