How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
By Sandy Schroeder
Do you worry more when the seasons change? Sometimes I do. I can invent all sorts of issues that just disappear when the seasons actually change. Worry can be a bad habit that takes up as much time and effort as we let it.
We may let worry grow because we can’t predict what will happen next. When we can’t control the future, it creates uncertainty and makes us feel uncomfortable. took a look at worry recently to help us define it and let go of it. You might be a lot more relaxed and happier if you let go of excessive worrying.
One person said, “Eventually I knew that I needed to reclaim my sanity. Not doing so means more misery. I realized that I could only be light and free when I could unload my worries.”
Understanding Worry explains we all like predictability. Worry comes from a fear of the unknown. We find it hard to trust in tomorrow. We automatically assume things will be negative. When we recognize how damaging obsessing can be we can start looking for more positive results. Then we can successfully deal with anxiety. Instead of eating, or drinking too much, we can just breathe a little easier and take positive steps.
Face Fears
Instead of hiding out from fear, why not confront it directly? Try listing the things that cause you to worry. If they feel real, add ways they could be solved. Often, when we face the facts everything seems more workable.
Walk Away from Worry
The minute I step outside for a walk I can feel my mood lift. Often I come back smiling with fresh ideas and more energy. Use your favorite exercise to chase away worries.
Drink Enough Water
We all know our system needs adequate water, but researchers tell us dehydration has been linked to depression, too. Carry a canister of water with you and keep one on your desk.
Sweep Away Clutter with Meditation
Use a simple breathing exercise to step away for quiet moments or use mindfulness meditation that lets you see life without judging it. Either way you can shed a lot of mental clutter that may make everything clearer.
Make Time to Relax
Reach out to friends and spend a few weekends away with your kids, hiking, biking or camping. When we get away we let our bodies relax and our minds calm down.
Getting Help
If you still find yourself worrying, you may want to see your doctor to seek counseling to talk with someone who can help.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Atlanta, Ga.