Chiropractic Tip: Walk Away from Stress
By Sandy Schroeder
Stress can make every day seem endless when there are too many demands and not enough time, but there is a simple solution that helps. Walk, run, or jog your way out of it.
Harvard Health says if you exercise when the stress response is triggered you can burn off the stress hormones naturally, instead of going home with a headache every night.
They also say any form of regular exercise can help to release tension that has built up. Swimming, running, walking, rowing or biking, along with yoga or tai chi, can all work to relax the mind and the body.
How to Make It Work
To get the most stress relief from your exercise, focus on your breathing as you move, letting everything else go, and giving yourself a chance to relax. The more you focus on your breath the more automatic the routine will become.
Keep it simple — When stress pops up, don’t make it a big production. Simply head out the door for a brisk walk, or stretch out on your mat to do a few yoga stretches. Focus on the movement and let the tension go. If you are outside, enjoy the greenery and the sunlight.
Have some fun with exercise - Line up a walking buddy that you always enjoy seeing, or take your dog and your kids along. Look for walking groups in your community that explore nature areas and consider wilderness hikes.
Let Chiropractic Be Your Backup
As you begin to use exercise for stress relief, you may find chiropractic can add another dimension to your workouts. Chiropractic’s focus on spinal health often provides an overall health boost that also reduces stress, adds energy, and encourages better sleep.
The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you helps people of all ages find stress relief on a regular basis.
Many people say it is like turning a page. Weekly 15-minute spinal adjustments keep the benefits coming, and serve as checkpoints to look for more stress outlets.
Try building exercise into regular spots in your schedule, and consider more stress relievers such as breathing exercises, music, weekend getaways, and finding new hobbies. Time outdoors has also been proven to be a natural stress reliever. Even urban dwellers report less stress when they visit city parks or add greenery to their home or office.
Stop by the Joint Chiropractic clinic near you to find out more about the affordable personal healthcare plans that require no insurance. Flexible weekend and evening hours simplify visits, and walk-in visits are welcome. No appointments are needed.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Columbus, Ga.