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How to Kickstart Your Work Productivity

By Sandy Schroeder

Are you in a slump at work, moving slowly and looking for the accelerator? Consider these ideas to kickstart your productivity.

Just start moving – Too often we spend more time thinking about the problem than solving it. If you want to pump out a lot more work, the time to do just that may be now. Show up on time and start where you left off, working on through the day to see just how much you can get done.

Skip all of the little pauses – The workday needs breaks, but sometimes it is too easy to take too many. I know people who seem to be on a perpetual break. Do a morning and afternoon break, and make tracks the rest of the day to see what you can accomplish.

Postpone email and mail – Reserve a slot late in the day when you have lost your drive. Then take the time to polish all of the email and mail in one swoop. If you need them, arrange for alerts for emergencies.

Compete with yourself – Pull up a schedule that you maintained a year ago and see just how productive you were. Then match it or top it.

Promise yourself something wonderful – If you really need to be productive right now to meet critical deadlines, increase the motivation. Promise yourself that trip, jacket, or superb dinner out. If you make it, you might want to post small inducements at the end of each week to pick up speed.

Remember what was fun – If your work speed seems to be lagging, take a closer look at your projects. Do they all look alike? You may need to do a brainstorm to reprogram your work, putting the pleasure back into the equation. You might take advantage of a couple weekends away, or a serious rethink about the way you are working. Keeping it interesting will keep it moving.

Psychology Today offered a few more ways to boost production.

Shorten the deadline – Move your deadlines up a little. Having to move faster can be a great way to get more done. Time experts say work fills the available time. If people know they have a week to do a project they take a week. If it’s needed tomorrow, they might be able to do that, too.

Have a maintenance day – Don’t slow down your production efforts with a bunch of maintenance tasks every morning. Instead, set aside one day mid-week and polish them all off, leaving the rest of the time clear for production.

As you speed up your production, you may achieve a natural rhythm. Enjoy the pace and find more ways to fire it up again when it starts to lag.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Columbus, Ga.

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