Are Your Sleeping Habits Making You Tired?
By Genevieve Cunningham
Sleep is something that we just don't take seriously enough. We know we need it, but we rarely put any conscious thought into the sleeping process. As a result, most of us are incredibly sleep deprived. We don't get a solid eight hours per night. We don't feel refreshed when we wake up in the morning. We're tired all the time! But what might be really surprising to many is that your sleeping habits are one of the biggest culprits of feelings of fatigue. If you're feeling tired more than you should, take a look at how your sleeping habits may be to blame, plus some tips for finally getting the sleep you need.
Poor Sleep Habits
Many of us have at least one poor sleeping habit -- but most of us have quite a few! A few common habits that contribute to poor rest include: avoiding a bedtime, staying on your phone, falling asleep to the TV, and foregoing a routine. Do any of these sound familiar? When we fail to keep good sleeping habits, we also fail to get good sleep. If you want to feel refreshed and keep yourself as healthy as possible, it's crucial that you end these bad habits and get some quality sleep.
How Poor Sleep Affects Your Health
Some people wonder whether sleep really matters in the long run. Wouldn't we be tired either way? While it's possible to feel some fatigue from time to time even with good sleep, you'll likely notice a big difference when your sleep is good quality. Poor sleep can lead to irritability, aches and pains, brain fog, increased illness, and many other negative side effects. The good news is that if these are truly caused by poor sleep, some changes to your routine can make a big difference.
Tips for Improving Your Sleep
If you're suffering from poor sleep, there are some things that you can do to improve your rest. First, you'll need to set a routine. This is a series of things you'll do every night before bed at roughly the same time. You'll also need to limit technology -- everything from your phone to the TV to tablets. Sleep in a dark and comfortable space, and make sure you're doing all you can to eliminate stress. As your habits improve, so will your sleep, and your health is sure to follow.
To get good sleep, you have to practice good habits. Use these tips to improve your sleeping habits and improve your health too. With better sleep and better health, you can enjoy more of your life for a lifetime of wellness and happiness.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Marietta, Ga.