Do You Include Yellow in Your Diet?
By Tom Herrin
Many people are concerned about adding colors to their diet. Most of the time, they think about the need for green. There is no doubt that green can add a lot of good things to a diet. Other colors often represent different things to health. Yellow is one of those colors that seems to be missing in many diets. One of the best available yellow vegetables is summer squash. It may be referred to as yellow squash as well. Adding it to a diet is almost a free food that has some really good perks without many of the bad that may come with foods that are only white.
Squash Can Help With Weight Management
Yellow squash is really low in calories. A cup is only 36 calories. That is pretty hard to beat. With only seven grams of carbs, it's a food that a person can truly chow down on. Extra helpings will not do nearly the harm that may be the result of devouring the same amount of many other foods much higher in carbohydrates.
Squash May Help Fight Disease
Yellow squash contains quite a bit of Vitamin C which can help to prevent premature aging. This can work along with beta carotene to help fight cancers. When heart disease is considered as well, squash is a natural for supporting the heart. It has virtually no fats and very little cholesterol. It also contains magnesium, which is believed to help prevent heart disease. Squash has a fair amount of fiber which, of course, is always helpful in preventing colon problems. One of the more out-of-the-ordinary problems it may help is dealing with the prostate.
Squash Is Pretty Versatile
There are a lot of different ways to make and eat squash. I have had them in salads and casseroles. They are good baked or boiled. One of my personal favorites is fried squash. I generally avoid fried foods, but squash is one of the only foods that I consider eating that way. It has a unique flavor and goes with almost anything. Of course, yellow foods are not limited to only squash, but it's a pretty common one that's easy on the wallet. Yellow peppers are another one that can round out meals, especially if you are a fan of fajitas. Look for more yellow, and add it to your meals.
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