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Meditation Technique to Overcome Stress

By Madhusudhan Tammisetti

Saying you're going to stop stress is like saying that you're going to avoid sweets for the rest of the life; sadly, it probably won't happen. But for both the super stressed out and the chocoholics there, it sounds like a losing fight. While stress is something that anyone is hit with on occasion, you're fortunate enough to have resources at your disposal to help battle the gripping feeling of helplessness. Meditation is a powerful tool to combat stress.

Meditation may help a lot to combat your everyday struggle, and while it's widely recommended to make it a routine practice, not everyone is at that stage of their lives. You may use other methods to combat the oppressive feeling that you get while the stress is creating havoc.

Bear in mind that any of the following may be done in an instant to help place you in a more relaxed condition. Trying them out doesn't hurt. It may prove to be an efficient way to solve stress-related problems for the day. No matter where you are when stress hits you hard, these relaxation meditation methods may help you maintain balance.

Deep Breathing

It's a breathing technique for relaxation that can be performed anywhere. If you're stressed out or overwhelmed with emotions, sit on the floor or chair and start breathing deeply. It's that simple.

You may keep your eyes open or shut, but the goal is to take a breath in and out as deeply as you can. You may notice your chest widening and opening up at first when you inhale, but if you manage to inhale beyond that point, make it your goal for the last bit of the inhale to enlarge your stomach progressively.

You may look like you've just briefly eaten Chipotle's biggest burrito, but it's just going to last a second. If you're able to do this for up to ten breaths, you can relax the vagus nerve, reducing the sympathetic nervous system's fight or flight response. For reducing stress levels, this may be a game-changer, but take some minutes per day to commit to deep breathing and concentrate on the rise and fall that it causes in the body.

The Finger Trick

You can even perform this relaxation meditation trick wherever you want, on the train, at your desk, or even waiting for lunch in line. Put your thumb on your middle finger's bottom side and shut your eyes if your imagination is getting the better of you. Then, gently breathe in and out a couple of times while applying gentle pressure with your thumb on the middle finger.

When you take these easy steps, you may experience a faint head-rush or ever-so-small light-headed sensation. You may experience a renewed sense of calm once you open the eyes.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Roswell, Ga.

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