Protecting From Skin Cancer: 3 Helpful Habits
By Virginia Laird
Skin cancer is nothing to take lightly. Each year, millions are diagnosed with it, and of those, a great deal will find their battle is with the detrimental melanoma strain. Historically, melanoma in one of the more devastating cancers to fight. With the diagnosis of such cancer being on the rise, there is little time to be complacent. Dermatologists insist there are a few habits you can have which can help reduce your odds of developing skin cancer. A few things you should consider making part of your routine include:
- Keep the sun off of your face and neck
- Wear sunscreen daily
- Visit your dermatologist annually
Keep The Sun Off of Your Face and Neck
Keeping the sun off of your face and neck is not only great from preventing the development of skin cancer, but it also helps prevent early signs of aging. Dermatologists suggest that wearing a hat when you head outdoors can be beneficial in keeping the sun off your face. For more protection, it is suggested that you invest in a wide-brimmed hat. These offer total protection to the front and back of the neck as well as the face. This spring, make hats part of your wardrobe.
Wear Sunscreen Daily
Skincare experts recommend that having the habit of applying sunscreen daily can be enough to help defend your skin against the development of skin cancer. It is advised that you wear a sunscreen with at least 15 SPF. These same experts insist that sunscreen can be beneficial any time the sun is out, including the winter. Although many believe that wearing sunscreen is only a requirement on sunny days, it can help prevent skin damage in any type of weather.
Visit Your Dermatologist Annually
A trip to your dermatologist annually is helpful in preventing skin cancer from taking over your body. While a visit with your skincare professional cannot prevent cancer from developing, the experts check your skin for blemishes which could be cancerous. When caught early enough, skin cancer can be removed in office. Rather that waiting until you have a place of your skin that bothers you, make getting your skin checked annually part of your health and wellness checks.
Now is the time to begin putting the care of your skin at the top of your priority list.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Savannah, Ga.